Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Have you heard about TerraCycle?

In celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd, I'll be posting as many "green" posts as possible. Today I wanted to mention a business called TerraCycle. TerraCycle collects your trash by having you join one of their "brigades"

TerraCycle has 26 different brigades that one can participate in. One of which is the Drink Pouch Brigade. It works by signing up for the brigade, an activation e-mail is sent so the account can be activated. Next decide whether you would like to download prepaid shipping labels (the eco-friendly option) or have TerraCycle mail you 4 prepaid labels and shipping envelopes. Then start collecting empty juice pouches.

TerraCycle will donate $.02 to $.03 cents for each item that is sent in, which will go to the school or charity of your choice. Each brigade works alittle different, so just make sure you read everything carefully.

So what does TerraCycle do with all that trash? They turn it into cool stuff like reusable totes, pencil cases, binders, even backpacks! What a great, and green, idea!

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