Way back on January 1st of this year I set a bunch of goals for myself. Now that the year is coming to an end (seriously, where did the time go!) its time to reflect on how I did and start to think of what I'd like to accomplish in 2011.
~Post at least 10 blog posts a month: I was able to do this every month! By making this a goal, I've found more enjoyment in writing, discovered a ton of great new blogs, and have a bunch of awesome new followers!
~Read at least 25 adult books: I came very close. I've read 23 books this year, and at the moment I'm about half way done reading "The Help" I'm still happy with myself that I was able to read the books I did.
~Quite smoking: I was able to accomplish this one in January. For me it wasn't to hard, but that's only because I got the stomach flu so bad I ended up in the hospital for 22hrs. Plus when I couldn't keep a thing down for almost a week, a cigarette was the last thing on my mind! Happy I'm now smoke free!
~Make appointments with my doctors to get my health back on track: I think I made the most important calls I needed too.
~Start using my massive collection of cook books: I'm going to say that I did accomplish this one. I only ended up using my books once or twice a month, which is not as much as I hoped, but I don't think that I touch a cookbook in 2009, so once or twice a month is an improvement!
~Do more activities with my kids: Defiantly did this! We had a great summer and did all the October and December festive things.
~Set better house rules and enforce them: We were more clear with our expectations, but our follow threw with consequences was poor.
~Be healthier together: Didn't do as well as I hoped with my kids. Me, well, I ended up GAINING weight! Which is the first time I've put weight on since I was pregnant back in 2006 :(
~Set daily chores for each family member: HA! I must have been joking with this one. Didn't even come close.
~Have a night out with my hubby at least every other month: Nope. I was aiming for 6 nights out this year kid free. Managed to get 4.
~Get my son's issues under control (he has a few special needs and needs a few services that I have to find and enroll him in): The issues I set out to take care of were taken care of. Just more things popped up threw out the year (but isn't that how it always is?) I still have calls to make in 2011.
~Save at least $5,000: What? I stopped keeping track. We had a VERY hard year money wise. Hubby worked 4 different jobs to make ends meet. Our broke down twice and cost over $4,000 in repairs. On top of that our washer AND dryer broke within two weeks of each other and had to be replaced. Anything I managed to put away was spent on these unexpected expenses.
~Track all my spending and savings: This got to be way to time consuming and a few months after I set this goal decided it wasn't worth my time anymore.
~Save at least $1,500 with coupons: A few months after I set this goal I thought I'd have to spend a ton of money to save this much with coupons so I changed the goal to SAVE $1,000 WITH COUPONS. Well I ended up saving a total of $1,456.75. And I didn't spend a ton of money!
~Save $5,000 on sales: Total: $2845.60. I still think I did pretty damn well!
~Have a yard sale: Did this back in July
~Learn how to sell on ebay: Just couldn't find the time.
~Organize my craft room: Some months I would do really well getting things together, but then would neglect my poor craft room and the mess just piled up again :(
~Put the flooring down in the playroom: I actually just finished putting the floor down before I came here to post. But it still got done!
~Paint the coat closet: Nope.
~Do major purging to get rid of things we haven't used in years: I still have a bunch of stuff I want to get rid of, but I donated a trunk full of stuff to my towns charity yard sale, had a yard sale of my own, sold my sons old toddler bed on craigslist, and tossed about 3 trash bags full of clothes in those Planet Aid bins.
I set about 21 goals for myself and accomplished 10 of them. Most of the ones I didn't fully accomplish I'm still happy with the outcome. Over all I think I did a good job in 2010. Hoping for another great year. Bring on 2011!!!!!
1 comment:
Thanks for linking up with Sassy Sites- Free For ALL Friday! I just posted my new party for the month of January... Operation Organization. Come by and check it out! Happy New Year! xoxo
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