Thursday, July 28, 2011

My son's 1st Grade Supply List

This is the long list that was in my son's backpack on the last day of kindergarten letting me know all the items he'll need for 1st grade.
  1. 12-24 Standard sized pencils
  2. Scissors
  3. 12 glue sticks
  4. Clipboard
  5. 12 erasers
  6. 24 pack of crayons
  7. 2 pack highlighters
  8. A box of tissues for each term (we have 3 terms)
  9. A pencil box
  10. 8 dry erase markers
  11. White board eraser
  12. Scotch tape
  13. 2 folders with prongs
  14. Small bottle of glue
  15. Small pencil sharpener
  16. Art smock
  17. Clorox wipes
  18. Ziplock bags, quart and gallon size
  19. 1 package of cheap white paper plates
  20. 1" three ring binder
Not even on the list: Backpack and lunchbox! Some of these items make sense to me, but others I'd think the school would have on hand. (Clorox wipes? Really?) I've already made up my mind to buy everything I can if I can get it dirt cheap. Our budget is tighter than its ever been and I'm not sure I'll be able to afford all these things!


Annie Jones said...

Oh my! That's a lot of stuff. I personally would question several things on that list. Are they really for a first grader, or are they for the the highlighters and dry erase markers. A dozen glue sticks? That seems like a lot.

Do you know if all of these things will be kept at each child's desk? Or will they be pooled into a classroom stash like they do at my granddaughter's school? If they are kept at each kid's desk. If they are kept at the desk, maybe you could reduce how much you buy 1 box of tissues, a couple glue sticks, etc., and then replenish throughout the year as needed.

Also, if you think it's just not a necessity, then don't buy it. I'm sure they probably won't even notice if you don't buy anything more than the basics.

Unknown said...

Following from the bee friendly hop. That is quite a list. At least they did give to you when school got out so you could pick up a little bit at a time. My kids won't get list until after school starts and thats a pain because then they need it right then and everything is picked through.