Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Holidays are coming, the holidays are coming!

I feel like now that I've got a handle on all this back to school stuff, that maybe I should start thinking about the up coming holiday season(Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). Things are still layed back here, and I"m starting to focus on all the things that worked (and didn't work) last year before the craziness of September comes. Things I want to focus on:
  • A budget. Didn't have one last year and things got a little crazy with last minute-and unnecessary-gift shopping.
  • Gift list. Have family and friends gifts picked out and stick to whats on the list
  • Activities with my children. Last year I had a few holiday crafts picked out for us to do, then was scrambling last minute to gather all the supplies I needed. This year I want things planned and gathered in advance to cut back on stress.
  • Crafts for me. Every year I like to make one or two new decorations for my home. I ran into the same problem as I did with the kids activities. I just need to plan better.
  • Re-organize my Holiday Planner. This year to include Halloween!

1 comment:

Rosebuds and Ladybugs said...

Wow, you are definitely making me want to be more organized! I couldn't believe that I seen candy corn out already at Rite-Aid the other day! The Holidays will be here before we know it!