Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I got in the mail today 2/22

I'm always signing up for free stuff online. Who can say "no" to free? Just to show how my hard work has paid off, this is what my wonderful mail carrier brought me today:

1) A coupon train envelope filled with 25+ coupons mostly for organic items! (to find out more about coupon trains, click here)

2) A P&G Everyday Savings coupon booklet with over $110 worth of coupons

3) and 3 of my free magazine subscriptions to Remedy, Shape, and Bazaar


Amanda said...

I love getting things in the mail. The UPS man just delivered me a package from Divvies for a yummy review for my blog today! New follower found you on the hop.

Mommyto3andahusky said...

Hi, I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that I became a follower! :) Love your blog! Erin
